1.5 | Findings of a CIC

1.5.A | The CIC is not bound by state or fedearl rules of evidence. The CIC will consider only the facts presented during the hearing and the facts already contained in the appealing student's academic file.

1.5.B | At the conclusion of the hearing, the CIC will meet to adjudicate in a closed session. The faculty and student members will first vote as to whether the original finding of violation -by faculty member, direct supervisor, or dean- has merit.

1.5.C | In the case that the CIC finds no violation, the student's file will be cleared of all documents that relate solely to this case. If the appropriateness of the sanction is under appeal, the CIC will vote on the original sanction's fairness. If the CIC finds that the original sanction is not appropriate, the members will discuss alternative sanctions that may include more severe than those originally imposed.

1.5.D | The CIC may impose any of the sanctions described in the Student Handbook up to and including suspension or expulsion. The CIC can recommend to the dean of the college that suspension or expulsion is the appropriate sanction. In the case of such a recommendation, the case will immediately be referred to the dean and forwarded to the EVPP office, and all further action will be taken by the EVPP.

1.5.E | The CIC will convene privately to discuss, vote and determine applicable sanctions.

1.5.F | The CIC will, at the conclusion of the appeal, present its findings to the appealing party. Additionally, the dean's office will forward a written statement of the findings and the formal action to be taken by the University to the student within five (5) working days, as defined by the University.